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Dirty HEPA Filter

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the key to improving your indoor air quality is quite simple.

All you have to do is remove the airborne pollutants at their source and keep your home well-ventilated.

Of course, this is often easier said than done, especially if you don’t have the tools you need to remove pollutants and ventilate your space.

Luckily for you, here at Clean Air Solutions Hamilton we specialize in improving indoor air quality for our residential and commercial clients. Our goal is to provide you with simple, effective, affordable tools to permanently clean and purify your indoor air supply. Our ultimate goal is to help you stay healthier and avoid the short- and long-term impact of air pollution.

In this blog post, we introduce our short list of favorite tools for improving the quality of your indoor air at home and at work.

3 Highly Effective Indoor Air Cleaners

Today’s ongoing worldwide pollution problem has kept a continual spotlight pointed at indoor air quality helps and tools. There are many options available to help clean up your indoor air supply. But not all of these options are equally effective.

In our air quality work, we focus on three specific indoor air cleaners that can be used alone or in conjunction with economical periodic routine maintenance to keep your indoor air supply pure and pristine.

Specifically, we recommend the following air quality control tools: HEPA air filtration systems, ultraviolet light purification systems and heat recovery ventilators. Meet each one of these top notch air cleaners in this section.

HEPA Air Filtration System

HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filtration was first developed during the Second World War. Its goal was to protect scientists and researchers working to develop the atomic bomb from being exposed to toxic radiation.

HEPA technology was so successful in this original job that it has since been adapted for use in hospitals and laboratories around the world. Even so many decades later, there is still no technology that is better at filtering out airborne toxins than HEPA.

Today, you have two different basic types of HEPA air filtration systems to choose from: portable and central. Portable HEPA units can purify small and larger spaces of up to 1,000 square feet. Central units can be retrofitted to work with any ducted air delivery system to purify larger and multi-room spaces.

If your home or workplace has carpeting and other furnishings, you can also use a HEPA vacuum cleaner to remove toxins that have become trapped in carpet and cloth.

Ultraviolet Light Purification System.

By far the most potent purification agent on this planet is our sun. The sun emits three different bands of ultraviolet light: A, B and C. A and B are what can cause sunburn and skin cancer when you are over-exposed to natural light.

But C, the most powerful ultraviolet light band, is naturally blocked by the ozone layer that surrounds Earth.

Ultraviolet light purifiers use ultraviolet band C to purify the air of toxins. Here, the action is different from how HEPA air filtration works. Rather than catching the toxins and keeping them out of your indoor air, the ultraviolet light actually damages the cellular structure of the toxins, rendering them inert and harmless to you.

There are two basic types of ultraviolet light air purification systems: portable and central. Portable units can purify the air in a space up to 1,000 square feet. Central units can work together with a ducted air delivery system to purify larger and multi-room spaces.


Health Canada emphasizes the importance of adequate ventilation for maintaining indoor air quality.

Ventilation through natural means, such as opening a window or door or allowing for seepage through small cracks, has become much more difficult as homes and office buildings are built to be more airtight.

New-construction building strategies are now able to produce such airtight spaces that ventilation is almost nonexistent! This poses a real health threat when the indoor air becomes toxic and stale.

A heat recovery ventilator, or HRV, is the preferred method for ventilating airtight spaces. Not only can a heat recovery ventilator provide a continual source of fresh, oxygenated air, but it can also assist with balancing indoor humidity and removing toxins.

Recommended Periodic Routine Air Quality Maintenance

Many home and business owners have no idea if their indoor air duct systems have ever been professionally cleaned and sanitized. This may not be so concerning if you are occupying a newly constructed space, but if you live or work in an older building, you may have quite a bit of potentially toxic built-up debris hiding in your air delivery system.

A professional indoor air duct cleaning takes less than half a day in most cases. With the help of a commercial-strength secure vacuum system, all trapped debris is vacuumed out of the air duct system, sealed and transported away from your space. A sanitizing agent (and, if you wish, a deodorizer) is then applied to neutralize any remaining toxins.

This service may be necessary only once every five to 10 years, or after a major renovation or mould and mildew cleaning service. But it can make such a difference that many clients say their indoor air actually smells cleaner!

We also recommend at least a once-annual professional dryer vent cleaning service. This serves two health purposes: it controls against the risk your dryer may one day start a home or workplace fire, and it removes an additional source of ongoing airborne pollution from your space.

Get in Touch

Here at Clean Air Solutions Hamilton, we are passionate about keeping you, your family and your workers healthy by providing economical, efficient, long-lasting indoor air quality solutions.

Contact us online or give us a call at 905-544-2470 to learn more about the best indoor air purification, filtration and ventilation systems to suit your specific needs.

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