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AC Repair Specialists in Hamilton, ON: Quality Guaranteed

air conditioning repairs

AC Replacement tools

Summers in Ontario are relatively mild but can still feel hot. That’s why residents look for a reliable, professional air conditioning service to handle AC repair in Hamilton. Shipton’s Heating & Cooling Ltd is the air conditioning installation and repair company residents trust.

Our team does an amazing job diagnosing and repairing even the most obscure air conditioner problem. Our expert technicians pay careful attention during the service call to ensure they come up with the best solution that meets your needs and is within your budget.

We also keep an extensive range of commonly needed air conditioner spares like heat pumps to get your machine up and running again. We proudly service homes and businesses in Hamilton, Ontario, and the surrounding area.

Do You Need Air Conditioner Repair in Hamilton, ON?

Is it time to give us a call for air conditioner repairs? There are several signs to look for that may indicate a problem, and your air conditioner will provide you with plenty of warning before it breaks down. The following signs mean it’s time to call our licensed technicians for service or air conditioner repairs.

There could be several issues if your heating/cooling system no longer emits cool air. Before calling in our HVAC contractors, check the filter for clogging. If that doesn’t work, you’ll need a technician to run diagnostics.

It could be something simple to fix, like a malfunctioning fan motor. However, running the air conditioner in the meantime is unwise. A broken fan, for example, can lead to the coils in your air conditioner freezing. However, replacing a broken fan can cost almost as much as replacing an air conditioning unit.

Another issue you may encounter is that the air conditioner vents hot air. This could be due to several issues, such as a faulty heat pump, duct damage, overheating, or low refrigerant levels.

These are all serious issues that require urgent air conditioner repair. Without assistance from a technician, you risk damaging the unit. You may also damage components of the heating system, like the heat pump. Therefore, you may need a new furnace, air conditioner repair, or a new air conditioner.

The thermostat maintains your home’s comfort levels. Should the air conditioner cycle on and off more frequently than usual, our technician will check your thermostat. Your unit and furnace should stay on for at least 15 minutes at a time to stay energy efficient. Call us for assistance immediately if it is cycling more quickly than this.

If your air conditioner makes a strange noise, there is something wrong. What the sounds mean depends on the underlying issue.

For example, a high-pitched squeal is annoying but usually indicates a simple fan belt change. If that changes to a hissing sound, the compressor might be in danger. Our professional air conditioning repair specialists will decipher what these noises mean and make the appropriate repairs.

Air conditioners today use far less energy than their predecessors. However, their efficiency depends on regular maintenance and professional service. Clogged filters, a broken fan, a bad furnace, and several other things can affect efficiency.

When they do, your unit can no longer operate at optimal levels, and you’ll start to notice your Hamilton energy bill increasing over time. Sometimes it’s something as simple as a worn-out part. Let our professional, certified technicians service your air conditioner annually to head off efficiency issues.

A little condensation around your water heater or AC unit is normal. However, if there is much more water than usual or the water has a tinge of color or a strange smell, you need professional service.

There’s more than the potential damage to your HVAC and furnace to worry about here. The pool of water can become home to harmful bacteria and toxic mold if left for long enough. Refrigerant leaks can also prove dangerous until you complete the air conditioner repair.

There are also several reasons why bad smells might emanate from the HVAC or furnace. Perhaps something died in one of the ducts, or maybe something broke down it needs repairs.

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Man calculating ac repair costs

How can you lessen the need for air conditioning repair?

How can you lessen the need for air conditioning repair?

Your AC is a significant investment in your business or home. We suggest setting up a regular service schedule, whether installing a new system or repairing your existing one.

By calling us in for an annual service and routine maintenance, you can extend the lifespan of your unit significantly. This proactive plan allows you to head off potential problems before they become major or affect your energy bill.

The benefits of our simple proactive repair services include the following;

  • Better Comfort: When your unit works at optimal levels, it can quickly cool your space. Instead of looking for ways to supplement its efforts, you can relax and enjoy the comfortable temperature.
  • Better Air Quality: Our tune-ups include filter replacements and cleaning. This service serves a dual purpose in cleaning contaminants and removing odors. Your indoor air quality improves, and so does your health because of lower exposure to pollutants.
  • Better Life Span: Your AC can operate sub-optimally for several months or even years. However, it needs to work harder to keep up in such cases. This extra work wears the parts out, reducing the overall life span of the machinery.
  • Energy Savings: The harder the unit works, the more energy it requires. Highly efficient machinery requires regular upkeep to keep it working. If you neglect this maintenance, the unit will use more energy than it should, resulting in higher bills.

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