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Expert HVAC Services in Ancaster: Your Comfort is Our Commitment

heating and cooling in hamilton

Shipton’s Heating & Cooling is your trusted partner for unparalleled HVAC services in Ancaster, Ontario. Our commitment to your comfort drives us to provide top-notch heating, cooling, and air quality solutions tailored to the unique needs of Ancaster residents. With expertise, dedication, and state-of-the-art technology, we ensure your home enjoys optimal temperature and air quality year-round.

Our HVAC Services

Stay warm during the cold Ancaster winters with our comprehensive furnace services. We specialize in repairing, maintaining, and installing high-efficiency furnaces, ensuring your home remains comfortable and energy-efficient. Whether it’s a routine check-up or an emergency repair, our expert technicians are equipped to handle all your furnace needs.

Discover the dual benefits of heat pumps that provide heating and cooling solutions. Our heat pumps are energy-efficient and reliable, ideal for the varying Ancaster climate, offering you comfort throughout the year.

Add warmth and ambiance to your home with our gas fireplace services. From installation to maintenance, we ensure your gas fireplace is a safe and efficient heat source.

We also specialize in boiler services, offering installation, repair, and maintenance for this traditional and effective heating method. Trust us to keep your boiler system running smoothly and efficiently.

Two technicians from Shipton's in blue shirts and hats.
AC exterior unit

Air Conditioning Services

  • AC Repair and Maintenance: Ancaster summers demand a reliable air conditioning system. Our AC repair and maintenance services ensure your unit is always in peak condition. From diagnosing and fixing problems to regular upkeep, our skilled technicians work diligently to prevent disruptions and extend the lifespan of your AC.
  • AC Installation: Are you looking to install a new air conditioner? Our team provides expert installation services, ensuring your new system perfectly suits your home’s needs. We guide you through selecting the best AC unit and installing it precisely and carefully.
  • Ductless AC Systems: Ideal for homes without traditional ductwork or for adding air conditioning to new spaces, ductless AC systems offer a versatile and energy-efficient option. We specialize in installing and maintaining ductless units, providing targeted cooling where you need it most.

Air Quality Solutions

Customer Service That Shines

Enhance the air quality in your Ancaster home with our air filtration solutions. We offer a range of air filters and purifiers to remove pollutants, allergens, and other airborne irritants, ensuring you breathe cleaner, healthier air.

Proper ventilation is key to good indoor air quality. Our ventilation solutions, including energy recovery ventilators, help circulate and refresh indoor air, reducing humidity and pollutant levels.

Balance the humidity levels in your home with our humidifier services. Whether combating dry winter air or managing humidity in the summer, our humidifiers help create a more comfortable and healthy living environment.

Regular cleaning of air ducts and dryer vents is crucial for air quality and safety. Our cleaning services remove dust, lint, and other debris, improving airflow and reducing fire hazards.

Take control of your home’s climate and energy usage with smart thermostats. These devices allow you to adjust heating and cooling settings remotely, ensuring optimal comfort and efficiency.

smart home thermostat

Why Choose Shipton’s Heating & Cooling?

At Shipton’s Heating & Cooling, we stand out for our:

Contact Us

At Shipton’s Heating & Cooling, we are more than just a service provider – we are a part of the Ancaster community, dedicated to enhancing your home comfort and quality of life. Our comprehensive range of HVAC services is designed with your needs in mind, ensuring every solution we offer is tailored to the unique climate challenges of Ancaster. From the depths of winter to the peak of summer, our skilled team is committed to delivering excellence in heating, cooling, and air quality management.

Don’t let the extremes of the season affect your comfort and well-being. Take the first step towards a more comfortable home today—Contact Shipton’s Heating & Cooling for expert advice, exceptional service, and reliable solutions. We’re here to help you create the perfect indoor environment, no matter what the weather outside.

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